
Saturday, 27 November 2004

Newsletter Issue 88, November 2004

Sam Young Newsletter

Issue 88, November 2004
Hi guys,
Post-Olympics, there have been many articles written about why winners are winners. I paraphrase the IOD article below in Learning From Winners.
Want to print lots of Word pages together on one page? Then Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet is the tool for you. 
Don't forget, if you want to be taken off my mailing list, click here to send me a reply e-mail and I will remove your name.

Learning From Winners

In the September issue of the Institute of Directors newsletter, 'Boardroom', the lead article was based around what lessons governance boards can take away from the Olympic Games. However, the article wasn't so narrow as to only relate to boards.
Winners are winners in any field of endeavour. However, there are many key practices amongst the top echelon of sportspeople that should equally apply to business - if you want your business to be a winner.
To paraphrase, I feel that those key practices are;
  1. Goal Focus. Successful athletes identify their key goals, then keep focused on them and are not swayed by short-term gain
  2. Plan. Sportspeople plan the path to achieve their goals, to be able to prepare for and tackle large issues in small bites. Teams are planned with a set 'use by' date and are then disbanded once that use-by is reached. If tasks don't fit the plan, they are discarded
  3. Workplace Fitness. Sports teams are only as good as their last performance. They keep fit by knowing what is happening in their team, with their sponsors, with their technology, with their support. Leaders sustain team energy and determination to win
  4. Recovery Time. Sportspeople factor in appropriate and regular recovery time, so creating balance between their performance, competition and their private lives
  5. Keep Cool. When everything is turning to custard, winning sportspeople keep their heads and remain focused on their goals. How many games have been won in the last minute, despite great adversity, because a team didn't make rash, snap decisions or just give up?
  6. Win Fairly. Winning should not be winning at all costs. Integrity and playing fairly must be key components to any successful campaign. Leaders who lead in this way inspire their team and earn respect, loyalty and sow determination for future endeavours.
We can all learn something from these simple concepts.

Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet

If you regularly print large documents, or send printed copies of them through the post, you can save on both paper (and postage) by using the 'Zoom' feature in Word.
With Zoom, you can print as many as 16 pages on a single sheet of paper. Printing multiple pages on one sheet also makes it easier to check your document's page layout, such as odd and even page headers and footers in a 200-page document.
Follow these steps to print four pages on one sheet:
  1. Go to File | Print
  2. In the Zoom section, select 4 Pages from the Pages Per Sheet drop down list
  3. Make any other print selections required then click OK.
Zoom automatically reduces the scale to fit four pages on each sheet. Zoom reduces the size of your printout without changing the document's format or page layout settings.

Resizing Access Form Control Buttons

If you have ever had to individually painstakingly resize a heap of form control buttons to a uniform height and width in an Access form, then you will love this function.
The "Size" command lets you resize all your selected form control buttons at once by selecting your controls then using the Shift key and right clicking to select Size from the pop-up menu, then selecting which dimension you want to enlarge, as follows;
  1. Press the Shift key & select all the control buttons you want to resize
  2. Right click over your selection, and select Size on the pop-up menu. You can select 'To Tallest', 'To Widest', 'To Shortest' or 'To Narrowest'
  3. You can keep your selection, right click over your selection again, select Size and then select another dimension
Easy when you know how, isn't it!

TLAs for SMEs

Here are this newsletter's TLAs for you;
  • ADN, Any day now. Chat room short-talk
  • AFAIK, As far as I know
  • AFK, Away from keyboard

Please feel free to email me with any TLAs that you want to get the bottom (meaning!) of.

Short+Hot Keys... and now tips
Over the next few newsletters, we are going to look at all you can do in Outlook. This time we focus on what you can do with the arrow keys & Ctrl;
  • Outlook "Move to the end of an item or move to the end of an item while in Print Preview or go to next item without extending the selection or move to the next card while working in Outlook" Ctrl & Down Arrow
  • Outlook "Move one word to the left or go to the closest card in the previous column" Ctrl & Left Arrow
  • Outlook "Select several nonadjacent items when navigating in Outlook Timeline" Ctrl & Left Arrow & Spacebar
  • Outlook "Move one word to the right or go to the closest card in the next column" Ctrl & Right Arrow
  • Outlook "Move to the beginning of an item or go to the previous card or go to previous item without extending the selection" Ctrl & Up Arrow
  • Outlook "Select several nonadjacent items when navigating in Outlook Timeline" Ctrl & Right Arrow & Spacebar

Hot Linx
Who knows their phonetic alphabet? Find Alpha-Bravo-Charlie in both English and German at
Want to know what the time is? Then this site is definitely the one for you. You can clock-watch with a difference at
If you have ever wanted to know what Simpson's character you are most closely aligned with, check out
Want to know what designers think watches might be like in 150 years? Then Timex's site is a must at

                                Catch you again soon!! E-mail your suggestions to me here