
Monday, 25 July 2011

End of Day Stress-Reducers

HBR ran an excerpt from their latest On Point collection, "Guide to Managing Stress".

With articles from a range of gurus including Tony Schwartz, Amy Gallo, Rosabeth Moss Kanter and John Baldoni, HBR put out an email teaser for the On Point called "Leave Your Bad Day at Work".

As HBR said in their teaser, we all have those days when it feels like everything you touch turns to custard; where you might as well not have bothered getting out of bed in the first place. However, so as not to take that stress right back home with us at the end of the day, they advise that we can do these things to reset our systems:

  1. Clear your mind. Take a few deep breaths. Think about the things that matter to you outside of work. Prepare yourself mentally to walk out the door and leave the day behind.
  2. Do something easy. Send off a report, reconcile a balance sheet, or reply to a few straightforward e-mails. Get some things off your to-do list to restore a sense of control.
  3. Get up and leave. Once you've completed the task, don't check your email once more or stop by someone's desk. Just leave.

Now that's nice and easy to read. Much harder to do, but I am going to work on it!

Read the On Point overview at


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