
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Behaviours that define a great work colleague

I read an interesting post that defined a great work colleague, posted on the CareerBliss website, and written by Ritika Trikha on 15 July 2013. The post was flagged to me via a LinkedIn comment on the US National Career Development LinkedIn group by Summer Dawson.

Ritika listed her top nine characteristics for what made for a harmonious open office environment: that we all need to step upand help each other out; we need to be generous with praise and give credit where it is due; we need to check on people's availability before interrupting them; we need to share our schedules with each other; we need to be emotionally intelligent in our workspaces; we need to keep the volume down; we need to share our favours around and not be cliquey; we should avoid gossiping (that phrase of my Mother's comes back to me of "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all");and SMILE. Say Hi. Create conversation.

A great, simple set of office etiquette guidelines.

Summer thought these tips would make a great poster. So I have created a simple one, which is downloadable here (click image, once open, right mouse, then 'save').


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