
Monday, 6 June 2016

Word numbering font glitch

I do a fair bit of writing, and came across a weird glitch in MS Word recently.

I had a numbered list, which, despite all efforts, stubbornly remained in Times New Roman. I had set Calibri as my default font in that document.

So, I tried changing the default font in the document. I tried resetting the 'Normal' template and changing the default font on that. I had a crack at editing the standard Styles. I tried setting a new 'Number' style with Calibri. None of these potential solutions worked.

Of course, I trolleyed off to Google, where I found that the problem was a fairly common one. I even read online that someone went so far as to delete Times New Roman from their system (that didn't work either).

And then I found the answer.

In Word, go to File | Options | Advanced. Tick "use normal style for bulleted and numbered lists"

Et voila! The problem vanishes :-)


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