
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Word bibliography style error on pdf

I have recently run into an UGLY error when trying to pdf a document that contained a Word bibliography.

My bibliography section was originally formatted as Times New Roman 12 point, and only taking up two thirds of the width of the page. Hideous in a document where the style was formatted as Calibri 11 point.

I figured that it was because I had not set the style permanently in Word. So I changed the bibliographical style to Calibri 11 point, full page width, as a new style, and named it.

Regardless, every time I went to print to pdf, style reverted to Times New Roman 12 point, and only taking up two thirds of the width of the page.

I realise that must've been Word fields which automatically updated when sending the document to print, but I was unable to find out what that were, and what to turn off. I tried turning off several things, to no avail.

I looked on Google and was unable to find anything. I found lots of stuff on tweaking APA formatting in Word using code, but nothing about style settings.

Until I found Doug Robbins - Word MVP, who - in reply to Bruce sc - said "Ctrl+A (to select everything) and then Ctrl+F11 to Lock the fields". which worked perfectly (9 May 2011).

The issue is indeed a printer setting, not a style setting (though obviously the styles don't 'stick').

You can also "Ctrl+Shift+F9 to Unlink [the fields]", so the problem never comes up again.


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