
Monday, 15 May 2017

Facebook fix to show posts in time order

While I am not a manic Facebook user, I do use it from time to time, mainly communicating with family and friends.

I don't know about you, but of late I have noticing that my post history, and the history of friends and family, are no longer in time order. In fact, the posts I seem to find at the top of my Facebook feed are often posts from several weeks ago... while the recent posts are buried pages down.

Not ideal, when you're trying to keep up with what is happening in your circle.

However there is a fix, from Tech for Luddites (30 March 2017). All you need to do is to select the three dots at the end of "News Feed", then select "Most Recent" from the pop-up menu.

As easy as that. This won't work perfectly, as you have to redo it each time you go into Facebook, but will be much more aligned to the old timeline than the "Top Stories" option.


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