
Monday, 15 January 2018

Making use of the Send To menu

As usual, Ed Bott from TechRepublic has come up with another pearl. In a recent emailer, Ed explained in simple terms how we can customize Window's "Send To" menu.

He talked about how we can right click files or folders, then, using the Send To option on the menu, move - or copy - the selected items to a particular place. Interestingly, this is something that I have never utilised, aside from sending items to email. Now that Ed has explained this, I realise that I have been missing a productivity trick for YEARS.

Ed goes on to explain that the Windows Send To options straight out of the box aren't very useful (a reason why I have probably never used them). However, Ed has a hack to fix that. He says:
"if you create a shortcut, you can customize that list to your heart's content. The secret is to open the Run box (Windows key + R), type the command shell:sendto, and then press Enter. That opens the folder filled with everything you see on the Send To list.I typically delete the Fax Recipient entry and add shortcuts to Notepad, WordPad, and some of my most-used document folders."

Now, how is that for being useful?!


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