
Friday, 14 June 2019

Assigning a new drive letter

Having had my trusty old PC die recently, I was forced to use my laptop. I was interested to note that quite often when I plugged in one of my removable hard drives, my laptop would assign a different drive letter to it. As I tend to use shortcuts a lot when I am working, the constant re-allocation of different drive letters meant that those productivity tweaks would not work.

From many years ago, I knew that there was a way to permanently allocate a drive letter to HDDs, so I went looking. I found a lovely, simple set of instructions, as follows:

  • Key Windows and X to open the Power User menu
  • Select Disk Management
  • on the list, right-click over the drive name, and select "Change Drive Letter and Paths" from the pop-up menu
  • Click the Change button
  • Use the drop-down menu and select the drive letter you want to allocate.

All I had to do was to check check that it would reconnect after the next reboot. And it did.

Job done.


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