The best thing is that, when you use sub-totals, you sub-total a range of things other than just a straight sum, including counts of text fields, averages, maximums and minimums. I thought I had written about this before, but - following a blog search - apparently, I have not!
The sub-total function is very useful. The following table shows what each function number delivers (Office Support, 2019):
function_num | Calculation performed | Description |
1 | AVERAGE | Returns the average (mean) |
2 | COUNT | Counts number of values or cells which contain numbers |
3 | COUNTA | Counts number of values or cells which are not empty |
4 | MAX | Returns the largest value |
5 | MIN | Returns the smallest value |
6 | PRODUCT | Multiplies all the numbers |
7 | STDEV.S | Estimates standard deviation based on a sample |
8 | STDEV.P | Calculates standard deviation based on a population |
9 | SUM | Adds all the values or cells in a range |
The easiest way I have found to use sub-totals is to add a sub-total row above the data at the top of a spreadsheet, filter the spreadsheet, select the cell we want to see the sub-total in, then click the sum button. For example, in the image accompanying this post, I originally got:
Then we can edit function number the resulting sub-total for the function we want. To get an average, I changed the 9 to a 1:
And then we get an average of the range.
I use sub-totals all the time. Hopefully they will prove useful for all of us!
- Reference: Office Support (2019). SUBTOTAL function. Retrieved from
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