
Monday, 19 August 2019

LinkedIn Group Rules

Many years ago when I took over the management of a LinkedIn Group, I soon realised that we needed some rules of engagement.

This was a time when people were spamming group members and self-promoting posts were coming thick and fast. We got ads for roofing, for - ah - 'relationships' of dubious quality, conference adverts, dodgy connection requests, pseudo-journal inquiries and immigration consultants.

In response, I trawled through group rules from LinkedIn, from Facebook, from service groups and from company 'House Rules'. I determined the purpose (informational, sharing), the context (careers), the tone (friendly), the legality (public domain) and the boundaries (apolitical, secular). From those choices, I then created the following set of group rules:
CDANZ is the membership organisation for Career Development in New Zealand. The intent of the CDANZ LinkedIn group is to expand career connections and spread of ideas to improve NZ career practice.
This is not a group where members can self-promote. This is a group where we share careers ideas, professional development and knowledge.

This is not a place to post about business opportunities or jobs. Please use TradeMe for that.

If you are posting something that would be marked as spam in an email, then it is still spam if you post it here, and will be removed.
Current group rules:
  1. Ensure posts are useful for careers work
  2. Be fun, friendly and inviting
  3. Act as if all postings are in public view
  4. Be respectful of copyright, others, their IP and their privacy (including details not already made public)
  5. Secular, non-political discussions are encouraged (ie, political & religious discussions are discouraged)
  6. Post items once only
  7. Don't be overwhelming. We want to hear from you, but not every ten minutes
  8. Ask before posting advertisements, but NO spam
  9. Group Managers can block members, edit and remove content without warning
  10. These rules will evolve - so check regularly.
Interestingly, the rules have not needed changing thus far. And, even better, since putting them in place - possibly eight years ago now - group behaviour has improved to being close to perfect.

There is nothing like setting clear expectations to ensure we all get on.


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