
Friday, 6 September 2019

Different approaches to hiring

In times of closer to full employment, organisations are being forced to take different approaches to recruitment in order to get the people they need. These approaches include:

  • Interests: we can ask our staff if they are interested in moving into those harder to recruit roles. We can then arrange training to stage them into the position we want to fill. It makes sense to develop those who already fit our culture, and then recruit for positions which have more available candidates. there are many benefits to this, as we will retain staff for longer, it is a developmental approach, and it generally lowers recruiting fees.
  • Recommendations: we can ask our staff to recommend people to replace them, or whom might be suitable to recruit in general. Our staff know who will fit the organisational culture, and if they are staying within the organisation, they have a vested interest in bringing suitable people on board.
  • Sponsorship: sponsor a student through the last year of their degree, giving them a paid internship through their breaks, providing they work for us for two or three years after they graduate. This means that we also have the latest knowledge in our organisation.
  • Networking: seek new staff through your own networks, including LinkedIn, your University alumni services, or conferences. Post job opportunities through LinkedIn groups, and suggest that conferences you attend have jobs board.
  • Associated skills: STEM positions, particularly engineers, can be hard to recruit due to shortage of qualified people in our areas. Instead, looking for associated skills, such as hiring an electrician with PLC knowledge and sponsoring training while in the job can make a significant difference to whether we get the right person. We can also consider recruiting tradespeople or technicians from the defense forces.
  • Acquisition: we can takeover a smaller organisation which already contains the staff we need. Providing the takeover or acquisition goes smoothly, and is well thought through, staff should be happy to transition to the new, merged organisation.

In many ways the best approaches are the first two options listed. These are the ones where people who know the organisation are using their knowledge to make the organisation better.

And we should listen.


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