
Friday, 27 September 2019

Taskbar File Explorer shortcut missing

A great productivity hack is to use taskbar shortcuts, and right click on the taskbar shortcut icons to pop up a pinned menu of our most used files or folders. This bit of kit saves me so much time.

I was in the middle of doing something recently, when I realised that my File Explorer shortcut on my taskbar was missing. I have a number of jump links to my most used folders on the File Explorer right click menu, so its loss was immediately apparent. To the best of my knowledge there had been no Windows updates which had installed in the background since the day before, nor had anything else changed, or software installed, since the last time I had been on the PC. However, it does seem to be a known problem, as there are a number of documented fixes.

A quick trip to Google found a very simple solution: simply press the Windows key and the "E' key to bring up File Explorer, then repin the folder to the taskbar.

It has got to be the simplest fix I've had to apply this year!


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