
Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Getting our own Facebook URL

Have you ever wanted to invite someone to message you on Facebook, so that you can use Facebook Messenger to have a discussion with them?

What we need is our own Facebook page URL, so that our invitee can send us a Facebook message when they visit our Facebook profile page. Unless you know where to look, it is not clear where we need to go to find that information. Also, if we have a fairly common name, it can be really hard to connect with others without that specific URL.

So, to find it, simply go to our own Facebook page, then on the far right hand side of the top menu bar, click the down arrow. We then click settings, and a general account settings page will appear. Our username is the second item in the main part of the page. We can simply copy that URL, and then email it to anyone who needs it.

So easy when we know where to look.


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