
Monday, 23 December 2019

Logging into MoodleCloud

As mentioned previously, I am doing some work in setting up a MoodleCloud site as learning support and additional resourcing for my post-graduate supervisees. Having set up my free account, when I went to log back in, I suddenly realised that I had no idea what my user name was.

To the best of my recollection, at no point in the registration process was I asked to provide a user name. I assumed that my username must be my email address. I tried to log in. Not my email address. I tried the name that I had registered under. Not that either. I tried the name of my site. Nope.

So I clicked on the helpful link provided, "Forgotten username or password?" and was sent a password reset link. I was dubious as to whether this would be at all helpful, as I would only be changing my password, and would still not know what my user name was.

However, I went through the process and found, when I went to log on again, that the user name "admin" was automatically entered. Having done some reading since, the username "admin" seems to be the default for all MoodleCloud sites (Reid, 2017).

Not only is this not a very secure username, there appears to be no way to change the username. I will be investigating whether this can be altered as time goes on.

It has certainly encouraged me to set a very complex password!


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