
Friday, 29 May 2020

Career learning opportunities

The Career Development Association of New Zealand (CDANZ), has a great list of webinars, papers and interview recordings for members to use for professional development. We can find a treasure trove of ideas under the professional learning tab.

There are two links that I have been using a lot lately, to look for something new when it is (a) finally quiet during the Covid-19 times and I want a boost, and (b) when - as local branch co-chair - considering professional development for the branch. Those links are here (or to retrospectively review webinars, papers and interviews which took place previously; or here (or for learning that is about to occur, or will occur in the coming months.

For example, I downloaded watched the Tristram Hooley presentation for CDANZ, "Covid-19, career guidance and social justice" (CDANZ, 2020a), which was really interesting; and our next branch PD will consist of us screencasting via Zoom the CDAA paid presentation by Jennifer Luke on "Big Data and Career Development" (CDANZ, 2020a). The latter we purchased easily from the link on the CDANZ webpage to the CDAA, using a credit card.

In addition, I have also found these accessible lists of learning has in turn inspired other ideas for professional development, which the branch is currently exploring. If these ideas pan out, and we are able to record the sessions, we may in turn be able to share these with other branches.

Demand at the moment have become quite unpredictable, appearing to be all on one day, or all off the next, so timing has been a key element when accessing the existing online resources. The flexibility to be able to choose when I undertake my PD has meant I don't have to worry if I can make the time, at the time.

Enriching my practice with new ideas has certainly helped me buoy my spirits during what has been a difficult and emotional time.



  • CDANZ (2020a). Online PD Opportunities.
  • CDANZ (2020b). Professional Learning.

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