
Friday, 19 March 2021

Seeing the file tree in File Explorer

After a recent Microsoft upgrade, I lost my File Explorer view, showing the file tree. Grr: as usual, an upgrade overwrites our own preferences sand settings, in that "Mother knows best" way which Microsoft still seems to exhibit.

I was at a loss, briefly, to remember how to get it back! Then I remembered that all I needed to do was to go the the View tab, select the Navigation pane button at the start of the ribbon, and tick the "Navigation pane" option from the drop down list. Too easy once your brain starts working again, but I still had that sinking feeling when having just been through a forced upgrade that the recovery may not be that simple!

I figured that I would not be alone in finding this reset annoying, so figured I should create a post in case any of you have got stuck with this too.


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