
Friday, 28 May 2021

Conflicts of Interest

As a chartered director, as a career practitioner, and in supervising research students, I get reasonably attuned to potential - or perceived - conflicts of interest. Interestingly, it is not my academic experience that has the strongest conflict awareness; it is as a career practitioner, followed closely by my directorships. It is surprising how others may not see a conflict until it is pointed out to them.

Recently I found a really great list of conflict items from Massey University, which is based on the Australian Council of Graduate Research guidelines (formerly DDOGS). I thought that I would share this with you all:





Conflict with the Candidate

Working relationship

Examiner has co-authored a paper with the candidate within the last five years


Conflict with the Candidate

Working relationship

Examiner has worked with the candidate on matters regarding the thesis e.g. previous member of the advisory team


Conflict with the Candidate

Working relationship

Examiner has employed the candidate or been employed by the candidate within the last five years


Conflict with the Candidate

Working relationship

Examiner is in negotiation to directly employ or be employed by the candidate


Conflict with the Candidate

Working relationship

Examiner has acted as a referee for the candidate for employment


Conflict with the Candidate

Personal relationship

Examiner is a known relative of the candidate


Conflict with the Candidate

Personal relationship

Examiner is a friend, associate or mentor of the candidate


Conflict with the Candidate

Personal relationship

Examiner and the candidate have an existing or a previous emotional relationship of de facto, are co-residents or are members of a common household


Conflict with the Candidate

Legal relationship

Examiner is or was married to the candidate


Conflict with the Candidate

Legal relationship

Examiner is legally family to the candidate (for example, step-father, sister-in- law)


Conflict with the Candidate

Legal relationship

Examiner is either a legal guardian or dependent of the candidate or has power of attorney for the candidate


Conflict with the Candidate

Business, Professional and/or Social Relationships

Examiner is currently in or has had a business relationship with the candidate in the last five years (for example, partner in a small business)


Conflict with the Candidate

Business, Professional and/or Social Relationships

Examiner is in a social relationship with the candidate, such as co-Trustees of a Will or god-parent


Conflict with the Supervisor

Working Relationship

Examiner was a candidate of the supervisor within the past three years


Conflict with the Supervisor

Working Relationship

Examiner has co-authored a publication with the supervisor in the past three years


Conflict with the Supervisor

Personal Relationship

Examiner is in negotiation to directly employ or be employed by the supervisor


Conflict with the Supervisor

Personal Relationship

Examiner is a known relative of the supervisor


Conflict with the Supervisor

Personal Relationship

Examiner and the supervisor have an existing or a previous emotional relationship of de facto, are co-residents or are members of a common household


Conflict with the Supervisor

Legal relationship

Examiner is or was married to the supervisor


Conflict with the Supervisor

Legal relationship

Examiner is legally family (for example, step-father, sister-in-law) to the supervisor


Conflict with the Supervisor

Legal relationship

Examiner is either a legal guardian or dependent of the supervisor or has power of attorney for the supervisor


Conflict with the Supervisor

Business, Professional and/or Social Relationships

Examiner is currently in or has had a business relationship with the supervisor in the last five years (for example, partner in a small business or employment)


Conflict with the Supervisor

Business, Professional and/or Social Relationships

Examiner is in a social relationship with the supervisor, such as co-Trustees of a Will or god-parent


Conflict with the University

Working Relationship

Examiner has examined for the University two or more times in the past 12 months and/or five or more times in the past five years


Conflict with the University

Other Relationship

Examiner has/had a formal grievance with the University


Conflict with the subject matter


Examiner has a direct commercial interest in the outcomes of the research


Conflict with other examiners

Personal Relationship

Examiner is married to, closely related to or has a close personal relationship with another examiner


I think this list is superb. Well done, Massey.



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