
Monday, 16 August 2021

LinkedIn's Career Explorer

There is a new kid on the block of interest inventories, developed by the LinkedIn platform, called Career Explorer (here). This new tool is free, designed to help us identify potential new vocational paths, and opportunities for upskilling (think Microsoft's LinkedIn training arm, Lynda) so we can move from a desire for change to a more likely reality (Adams, 2021).

Like CareerQuest in New Zealand (Careers New Zealand, 2021), it appears that Career Explorer "looks at thousands of job-specific skills and tech knowledge ranging from time management and interpersonal skills to familiarity with various software applications. Using a metric the company calls 'skill similarity', the tool helps" us to see potential transitions between skill sets (Adams, 2021).

However, CareerQuest is designed for those who are not yet in work (Careers New Zealand, 2021). Career Explorer is designed for those who are already in work, but looking to transition into something else (LinkedIn, 2021).

We can select our city, then enter the job we currently have. The 'sorting hat' inside the app then provides us with options in our locale based on the recruiter information that LinkedIn already possesses (LinkedIn, 2021), and the skills, interests, and values information all we LinkedIn member cattle have provided Microsoft freely over the years.

This could eventually be a useful piece of kit. However, from a quick tour through the data recently, there appears to be very little New Zealand data. I found it heavily US-centric. I suggest either not selecting a city, or selecting a more cosmopolitan US city such as New York, then entering our current role.

I didn't find anything too startling in the list that arose, but it does provide us with another tool for considering transition options with our clients. And, if our clients are already active on LinkedIn, it will be an environment which they are familiar with... so are more likely to use, and to rely on.

Give it a try.



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