
Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Reporting Audible problems

While I love my talking books, and have an Audible membership which I use regularly, when there is a problem, it can be quite challenging to report.

As a case in point, I ran into a problem with Audible this year, where I could search for books, find them, and add them into my shopping cart... but when I got to the checkout, I got a message "Sorry, we are not authorized to sell this product in your country/region".

What?! I have had an Audible membership for over a decade. Nothing has changed.

Of course, the 'help' function was unhelpful. When searching on the Audible site, it is almost impossible to find any problems which relate to the one you are having. Despite a serious dig, I was unable to find anything. I was also unable to find out how to contact Audible directly to report the issue, and hopefully to find out what has changed in the background which no longer allows me to buy books from the site... and get them to put it right.

I have always found it much more 'helpful' to do a google search, then follow that link, and this time was no exception. A search for "how to report a problem with audible" returned a link to:

While this is an 'in-mail' page, Audible do eventually seem to answer (and the UK people reply far more quickly than the US).

Further, if we need to contact Audible about a book request, we can email them at:

Why is this not easy to find how to do this on the Audible website? The vagaries of large companies remain opaque!


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