When we start studying, we are often too tentative about showing our own opinion in writing, that we hide our hand completely by using the words of others. We quote. A lot.
Ah, but we need to know that we have understood what others have written by paraphrasing our source. For example, lets assume I want use the glossary definition of career from the Careers New Zealand (CNZ) in the Tertiary Career Development Benchmarks, which reads as:
"The sequence and variety of work roles, paid and unpaid, that a person undertakes throughout a lifetime. More broadly, 'career' embraces life roles in the home and the community, leisure activities, learning and work. Work, learning and life, though sometimes distinct, are closely intertwined. Everyone has a career" (Careers New Zealand, 2016, p. 38).
I would paraphrase that entry to show that I understand the 'essence' of what CNZ was trying to say, while citing CNZ as the source, but dropping the page number as I am not quoting verbatim from the original. I might post the following as my forum post entry:
A career is what we all do. It includes the paid or voluntary work we do throughout our lifespan, encompassing all our intertwined roles as a family member, as a student, in our time off, as an employee, and as a member of our communities (Careers New Zealand, 2016).
Much better. And it sounds like me.
- Reference: Careers New Zealand (2016). Tertiary Career Development Benchmarks. https://www.careers.govt.nz/assets/Benchmarks/Career-Development-Benchmarks-Tertiary.pdf
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