
Monday, 8 August 2022

Deepening understanding with our clients

We service our mechanical things. And, like a car, our work environments can also do with a regular tune-up. How often has it been - for example - since we looked at how we welcome our clients?

Reconsidering how welcoming, open and friendly our spaces are, particularly for those who are coming to us with some feelings of hesitancy, or even trepidation, is always helpful. Barrier-oriented signage can be particularly off-putting (WHO, 2013). How long since we considered our office entrances? Our signage? Our phone manner? Our emails?

Attempting to consider our own practices with a 'beginners mind' is difficult, but is very useful (Daft, 2008). The image accompanying this post (WHO, 2013, p. 60) is familiar to anyone who has visited a hospital: and is even more so under Covid-19.

We can attempt to resurrect our beginner's mind by taking a notebook with us, or using a note-taking app, and NOTICING throughout the day our experiences of personal and environmental welcomes, or how we are "greeted and treated" in a variety of situations (WHO, 2013, p. 61). We would then reflect upon our findings, considering the following:

  • How did each situation make us feel?
  • Did we feel welcome? Or unwelcome? Why?
  • Did we feel included? Or excluded? Why?
  • What would have made any experience better?
  • How could we apply that learning?
  • What influences the way things are done?
  • What do we need to avoid?

From that, we would be deliberate in planning a welcome strategy, now being clear in how we would like to make our clients feel when they come to see us.



Daft, R. L. (2008). The Leadership Experience (4th ed.). Thomson-South Western.

WHO (2013). Chapter 5: Practical Considerations in the Counselling Process, in Counselling for Maternal and Newborn Health Care: A Handbook for Building Skills. World Health Organisation.

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