
Friday, 7 October 2022

Adobe Acrobat and the Function Key

I always 'stick' a 'sticky note' on the first page of my pdf files, which contains the APA reference. Then whenever I open the file I always have the reference. So, when I opened a pdf file the other day, I noticed - when I wanted to add and save the sticky note which was about to contain my APA reference - that my Acrobat tool bars were missing. 

Eeek: where had the toolbars and the menu gone? And my next burning question was: could I get them back? And the next was: if I could, how would I do that? 

Well, all that turned out to be too, too easy. All I needed to do was to simply key the following:

To toggle the menu bar on (and off): F9

To toggle the toolbars on (and off): F8

To toggle the sidebar pages on (and off): F4

...and to bring up the spellcheck dialogue: F7

But when we open the file again next time, the tool and menu bars are missing again. That too is an easy fix when we know how. Simply go to the document properties (File | Properties | Initial View, and check that both the following user properties are unticked: "Hide menu bar" and "Hide tool bars". 

That should be problem solved. 


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