I am sure that all of us saw loads of news items detailing the 47 new additions to the New Zealand edition of the Oxford English Dictionary last week (Graham-McLay, 2023; Los'e, 2023; Swift, 2023; Sharma, 2023). Of these 'new' words, not many of them seemed that 'new' to me. Many of them seemed 'olds', and in fairly common use. I was more surprised to find that the following were not already in the (NZ ed.) of the OED dictionary, particularly the following: [I]wi; kaitiaki; kaumātua; kaupapa; koha; kōrero; kuia; maunga; pepeha; powhiri; rāhui; rangatahi; rangatiratanga; [te R]eo; rohe; taihoa; tamariki; turangawaewae; wairua; whānau; wharekai; wharenui; and whenua (Swift, 2023).
I was also surprised to see that the following English language words were not already in the dictionary, as they have been in common use since I was a teenager: bitzer; flat stick; hooning; standing place; stuffed; and enroll spelled with two 'll's (Swift, 2023).
There were some entries that I have not seen used before (droppie; hoonish; Kiwiness; Swift, 2023), and some which are - to me, anyway - definitely more newly incorporated into common parlance (kehua; moko kauae; Pai Marire; tamaiti; tino rangatiratanga; tuakana; Swift, 2023). There were some that I expected to see, and aren't there yet (āko; ākonga; kaitiakitanga; kanohi ki te kanohi; ka kite anō; ka pai; kōrua; mahi; mihimihi; motu; ngā mihi; pō mārie; te ao Māori; whakamā). I was surprised not to see macrons and capitalisation: why was Iwi not capitalised; why was te not paired with Reo?
The full list of 47 (Swift, 2023): ae; after-ball; bitzer; chur; droppie; e hoa; e hoa ma; enrol | enroll; flat stick; hooning; hoonish; iwi; kaitiaki; kaumātua; kaupapa; kehua; Kiwiness; koha; kōrero; kuia; maunga; moko kauae; Pai Marire; pepeha; powhiri; rāhui; rangatahi; rangatiratanga; reo; rohe; standing place; stuffed; Tagata Pasifika; taihoa; tamaiti; tamariki; tatau; tino rangatiratanga; tuakana; turangawaewae; wahine toa; wairua; waka ama; whanau; wharekai; wharenui; whenua (macrons added).
Not perfect, but a great continuation by the OED to reflect how we actually use language in Aotearoa.
Ka pai.
Graham-McLay, C. (15 March 2023). Kia ora e hoa: dozens of New Zealand and Māori words added to Oxford English Dictionary. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/15/kia-ora-e-hoa-dozens-of-new-zealand-and-maori-words-added-to-oxford-english-dictionary
Los'e, J. (15 March 2023). Chur - te reo Māori words now official and included in the new Oxford English Dictionary. New Zealand Herald. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/kahu/chur-te-reo-maori-words-now-official-and-included-in-the-new-oxford-english-dictionary/3MINW42AQ5H5RICNKW5PLEZH6U/
Swift, M. (15 March 2023). Māori words officially included in new English Oxford Dictionary addition. NewsHub. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2023/03/m-ori-words-officially-included-in-new-english-oxford-dictionary-addition.html
Sharma, H. (16 March 2023). From 'rangatahi' to 'kuia': Oxford English Dictionary adds 47 Maori, New Zealand words. https://www.msn.com/en-in/lifestyle/smart-living/from-rangatahi-to-kuia-oxford-english-dictionary-adds-47-maori-new-zealand-words/ar-AA18FFUD
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