
Friday, 24 March 2023

Qualitative versus quantitative career interventions

Assessment tools can be split into two broad categories, those of quantitative (number-, test- or survey-oriented, deductive, using mathematical modelling and numerical statistical patterns) or qualitative (relational, narrative, interpersonal, interview-, activity-, and discussion-oriented, using drawing) types. These tools are used to guide our work with clients, assisting us to measure client characteristics such as values, skills, abilities, interests and personality. These two categories also help both the client and ourselves understand how their personal characteristics connect with occupational selection (Swanson & Fouad, 2020). 

Quantitative tools tend to be represented by instruments such as standardised tests, measuring traits, counting and grouping interests; therefore, the psychometric properties of validity, reliability and norms hold high importance when considering the use of instruments that fall within this category (see here for more information). To be valid, tests must be normalised and standardised to be sure that the results are consistent over the population that is being assessed. Tests must be able to be taken once, then retaken and obtain close to the same result (test/retest validity; Osborn & Zunker, 2016).  

On the other hand, qualitative tools are non-standardised tools, such as Savickas’ Career Construction interview (CCI), narrative therapy, card sorts and career genograms. Qualitative tools assist when working with diverse clients as they “enliven the career counselling process” (Okocha, 1998, p. 5). For example, genograms - vocational family trees - capture a client’s heritage. This can be immensely useful for exploring family patterns, modelling, and dispelling outdated ideas (Osborn & Zunker, 2016). 

Rather than taking a trait-based, person-fit approach, some theories encourage a relational approach. Career construction theory, or CCT, addresses the needs of a workforce facing challenges  (Savickas, 2013). If we stop to think about how much the world has changed in recent years, it is easy to see how technology, rationalisation, redundancy, up-skilling, has resulted in 'new' roles: who would have thought of a "Work-from-home facilitator" pre-Covid? (Kelly, 2021). With CCT, the practitioner utilises 'life design' processes such as story-telling and self-construction techniques, taking either a group or individual approach (Maree, 2019). Career Construction enables clients to build their view of self “from the inside out,” rather than from the outside in, as trait theory prescribes (Savickas, 2013, p. 182). Research seems to indicate that a more relational approach builds greater adaptability and resilience (Savickas, 2013). Practitioners applying this approach may choose to use quantitative assessments - such as values inventories - or not, as best suits each client.

The main thing is that tools should not channel us or our clients: they should assist the client get to know themselves better, and to assist the client to make good quality choices. 



Kelly, J. (9 May 2021). 10 Hot, Fast-Growing Jobs For The Future Post-Pandemic World. Forbes. 

Maree, J. G. (Ed.). (2019). Handbook of Innovative Career Counselling. Springer.

Okocha, A. A. (1998). Using qualitative appraisal strategies in career counseling. Journal of Employment Counseling, 35(3), 151-159.

Osborn, D. S., & Zunker, V. G. (2016). Using Assessment Results for Career Development (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Savickas, M. L. (2013). Career Construction Theory and Counseling Model. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.) Career Development and Counseling. Putting Theory and Research to Work (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Swanson J. L., & Fouad, N. A. (2020). Career Theory and Practice: Learning through case studies. Sage Publications, Inc.

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