
Monday, 24 July 2023

What is DEI?

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is known as DEI (Karakhan et al., 2021). The terms of diversity and inclusion represent the "extent to which the workforce is diversified, well-integrated, and inclusive" (p. 7). Equity is "the extent to which members of the workforce are treated fairly, equally, and respectfully" (p. 7).

Recently Radio New Zealand reported on the lack of inclusion in the online collection of the 2018 Census, which "missed about 30 percent of Māori and Pasifika people". So the lack of inclusion resulted in poorer diversity reporting. A number of people "didn't get [online Census access] codes and then, people who didn't know what to do once they got the codes, and then there were also those who just got their forms physically delivered but didn't return them" (Kitchin, 2023). It is also possible that more diverse - and potentially more marginalised - communities may not be digitally competent, may not have computers at home, may not have WiFi, may not have English as a first language, or may not read well. As a result, we end up with a lack of equity.

We can create more inclusion through being consultative, community-led, by involving all groups in trials, and by repeating trials. Statistics New Zealand "has consulted widely on what they could do better", are "going to trial iwi-led data collection" and have "had a partnership with a Data Iwi Leaders Group [for the coming Census] so there is a more rigorous focus on [collecting data the right way from Māori and Pasifika] communities" for the 2023 Census. We can also reassure all participants that data will not be 'weaponised' against the communities which provide it (Kitchin, 2023).

These three concepts have been connected in a diagram - see the image accompanying this post - as a result of research completed in the Indian construction industry (Karakhan et al., 2021). The researchers now feel they have a good handle on what the drivers of homogeneity, inequity and exclusion are. 

Now they 'just' have to get good strategies and strong community will to make change.



Karakhan, A. A., Gambatese, J. A., Simmons, D. R., & Al-Bayati, A. J. (2021). Identifying pertinent indicators for assessing and fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion of the construction workforce. Journal of Management in Engineering, 37(2), 04020114.

Kitchin, T. (16 February 2023). Census 2023: Getting the count right. Radio New Zealand.

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