
Friday 23 February 2024

Combining pdf files

Usually we can just use the "+" function in Adobe acrobat to insert another page to a pdf... or to put a file or two together into one. However, sometimes this does not work, and we get some strange and arcane Adobe messages, like "The document could not be saved. There was a problem reading this document (16)"; which is not exactly illuminating. No matter what we do, we find ourselves unable to save the file.

The problem MAY be a difference in numbering. Showing the thumbnails side-bar with a right-click menu  selection of Page labels, then selecting the desired numbering schema etc may solve this error; after which, a save and retrying the insert may solve this. However, this often doesn't resolve so easily.

What we can do if we strike such a problem is to try combining the files. We do this by Create | Combine Files into a Single PDF | and dragging and dropping our files into the page. We can reorder them.

However, if we get an error message, "Expected a number object", I do not - as yet - have a solution to this particular issue. <sigh>

I will keep looking though.


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