
Friday, 2 February 2024

Outlook conversations bug

I don't know about you, but I note that sometimes after sending a group email in Outlook webmail, an individual will reply; and when I reply to that individual, and want to go back and check what I have said in my reply, I find myself unable to see it. I see the collapsed view only, or am only able to click on other replies. Further, slightly more rarely, after replying I will also be unable to see the original individuals email which I responded to. This is using the conversation view in Outlook webmail, please note, not the desktop app.

When this happens, I search for the email, and get a search result, but am unable to see the individual response. I can see some other responses, but not the one I am after. Sometimes I will be able to see it the next day, or after I have shut down and restarted.

The only consistent fix I have found is to turn conversations off completely. I can then find the individual emails. I can then choose to turn conversations them back on, but while the problem is happening, it is better just to change the settings, and dump it for the duration.

How to turn it off? Go to settings | Message Organization section | tick "Show email as individual messages". Tick "Show email grouped by conversation" to turn it back on again.

Hopefully Microsoft will fix this bug one of these days. 



Kocher, T. (2021). Enable and Disable Conversation View in Outlook and Office 365.

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