This is part 2 of an article published earlier this year (here), exploring commonly used tests which have been evaluated by the Buros Center for Testing, at the University of Nevada (Thorndike, 1999).
Following are all of the evaluations of O*Net and many of the values instruments completed by the Buros reviewers. As mentioned in the first half of this series, the number - 5th etc - stands for the Buros volume, and MMY stands for the title, which is the Mental Measurements Yearbook. The list of reviewed instruments is as follows (Buros Center for Testing, 2024):
- O*Net
O*NET Career Interests Inventory, Third Edition: Based on the O*NET Interest Profiler, 20th MMY
O*NET Career Interests Inventory: Based on the "O*NET Interest Profiler" developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, 16th MMY
O*NET Career Values Inventory: Based on the "O*NET Work Importance Locator" developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, 16th MMY
O*NET Interest Profiler, 16th MMY
O*NET Work Importance Locator, 16th MMY - Values Tests
Values Inventory, 9th MMY
Values Scale, Second Edition (The), 13th MMY
Rokeach Value Survey, 12th MMY
Career Values Card Sort, 13th MMY
Career Beliefs Inventory, 12th MMY
Work Values Inventory, 21st MMY
Employment Values Inventory, 14th MMY
Filipino Work Values Scale (The), 14th MMY
Hall-Tonna Inventory of Values (The), 11th MMY
Maferr Inventory of Feminine Values, 9th MMY
Maferr Inventory of Masculine Values, 9th MMY
Mirror Edition of the Personal Values Inventory, 16th MMY
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory, 14th MMY
Personal Values Questionnaire, 13th MMY
Rothwell Miller Values Blank, 14th MMY
Selby MillSmith Values Indices, 14th MMY
Survey of Personal Values, 10th MMY
Survey of Work Values, Revised, Form U, 12th MMY
Temperament and Values Inventory, 9th MMY
Work Orientation and Values Survey, 17th MMY
I hope this is useful!
Buros Center for Testing (2024). Tests reviewed in The Mental Measurements Yearbook series.
Thorndike, R. M. (1999). Book Review: Conoley, JC, & Impara, JC (Eds.). (1995). The Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook. Lincoln, NB: The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 17(1), 50-55.
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