What is really simple is that the assessors have used an extended traffic light system. The green dots are for items with a full score, and orange for those which only partly apply. I presume that some assessments will have a red dot (i.e. they are unreliable in that category), which is not shown on this particular instrument (Emerge, 2023a). The extension to the traffic light system are that the grey dots, which appear to be for elements which the consortium have not evaluated; and black are for those items which do not relate to the particular construct.
Quite a clever way of assessing an instrument at a glance :-)
Emerge. (2023a). Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale. Tulane University; University of California San Diego; Evidence-based Measures of Empowerment for Research on Gender Equality (EMERGE). https://emerge.ucsd.edu/r_2y5nt5mpxmkhzen/#:~:text=The%20Career%20Decision%2DMaking%20Self,%2C%20Planning%20and%20Self%2DAppraisal
Emerge. (2023b). Home. Tulane University; University of California San Diego; Evidence-based Measures of Empowerment for Research on Gender Equality (EMERGE). https://emerge.ucsd.edu/
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