
Monday, 16 September 2024

Some career development PD

In New Zealand there is a consortium of the University of Otago, Massey University, the Ministry of Health, the Health Promotion Agency, and National Health Challenges which have started to compile health oriented resources in a website called the Virtual Health Information Network (VHIN), at This group uses Statistics New Zealand's integrated data infrastructure (IDI). The VHIN is a network of researchers, analysts and professionals who share and collaborate to use health and social data and generate insights to improve the health and wellbeing of all New Zealanders. The VHIN aims to build capacity and capability, create easily accessible resources, support open sharing of code and resources, contribute to improved data quality and undertake high quality research using the IDI.

The website has a list of health-oriented webinars coming up at, for which they provide a Zoom link so we can virtually attend. Further, on the same page, already delivered webinars can be watched with the most recent at the top (in decreasing date order). While many of the webinars are not quite related to career development, some of them are great; such as "Estimating the Effect of Labour Market Entry Conditions on Income: The role of family background" and "Alternative Education, Teen Parent Units, and Examining Impact in the IDI". 

This provides another channel for research-based virtual professional development in the career development sphere. And it is New Zealand-based research. Excellent.

Check it out.



Virtual Health Information Network. (2024). Home.

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