
Friday, 10 January 2025

Setting up floor plans

If you have ever tried to lay out the floor plan of an office, or plan a workspace, an easy tool to do that would be very helpful... particularly if we are going to be renting a space and cannot go back to check before our contract is signed. 

And we are in luck! All we need to get started is to take accurate room, door and window measurements.  Go armed to any viewings with a measuring app on our phone (or a laser tool, or go old school with a tape measure), note down those key elements, and then go online at our leisure. Head over to this great online site, at 

Set up a free account, and then we can set up our future office, choose from the site's furniture and place it in the space to get an idea of fit, traffic flows, and potential problems. We can even use the built in cameras and angles to give us a walk through! 

Go to to check out the demo residential home to see how it works (so easy to move a wall!).

Very handy :-)


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