
Friday, 9 November 2001

Newsletter Issue 35, November 2001

Sam Young Newsletter

Issue 35, November 2001
Hi guys,
This time we look at a few ideas to save money and time. Check out Business Savings below.
Resigning in Style directs you to a website, which you might find interesting.
Don't forget, if you want to be taken off my mailing list, click here to send me a reply e-mail and I will remove your name.

Business Savings

Here are a few simple tips that can help you save money. 
Smart use of time, comparison shopping, conservation and Ecommerce can add up to significant savings for any business. Here are some ideas for you; 
Six tips on cutting meeting times down;
  1. If you want a meeting to go quickly, schedule it for late in the day. Morning meetings can go all day, but as the clock approaches quitting time, everyone wants to wrap business up as fast as possible
  2. Set up a meeting agenda, circulate it for approval prior to the meeting, and then stick to it. Extra items will have to be discussed at the next meeting or if there is time at the end of the agenda time
  3. Put a time limit in your agenda for each topic
  4. Send reminders to all attendees before the meeting
  5. Start on time whether everyone is there or not
  6. If you travel to  meetings, factor in 15 minutes before and 15 minutes afterwards as a buffer to ensure that YOU get there on time
Negotiate everything including services
Seemingly insignificant items can add up quickly to be major costs to your business. You can frequently purchase at a discount by merely asking. So always request a discount if you pay by cash or intend to pay within 5-10 days. 
Comparison shop 
Comparison shop a couple of times a year on items to check that there isn't another supplier who can supply your goods more cheaply. 
If you see individual items more cheaply elsewhere than at your regular supplier, ask them to beat the competition's price to keep your business.
If you have been purchasing similar goods from the same supplier for a few months and your order is significant, put it out for tender. You will get a better price, even with the same supplier. 
Online or Mail Order
Shop by mail order, via email or from a website when you can. It is frequently more economical and it is certainly more convenient. 
When you use a credit card for web or mail order and have a problem, your credit card company will help you to sort it out. 
Mail order companies 0800 numbers (and if you have flat rate web access) may lead to further savings. 
Monitor energy consumption
Energy is one cost that is not getting any cheaper. Savings can be quite dramatic by doing a few simple things;
  • Use auto-setback thermostats and automatic light switches
  • Use timer switches for heaters, printers and photocopiers so that they come on just before you get into the office, and turn off when you leave
  • Turn your monitor off when you are away from your desk.
Printing & Paper
Save paper that has been printed on one side to print draft documents onto (make sure that you use this internally only in case of confidentiality issues).
Print using economy levels for drafts and internal documents.
Email all memos and other internal documents.
Read your email on screen rather than printing it out.
Resigning in Style

There is a website that is called Resignation dot com (yes, yes, I know - only in America).
Anyway, on this site from 1900 through to 1998 there are a selection of resignation letters - or transcriptions of their resignation speeches - from Heads of State, politicos and other famous people.
There are a lot of Americans in the list but there are a few inclusions that surprise you. Like Winston Churchill and Mikhail Gorbachev. 
I don't think that the site is currently being updated, as the other pages are pretty out of date (they are still calling for Bill Clinton to resign). However, it is worth a look to see what Nixon said, and the correct way for a British Monarch to abdicate...

Look Ma, No Hands: Repeating Finds

How many times have you gone looking for something several times in the same document? 
If you're like me, you will go looking for similar text in a Word document so you can edit the parts around it. Well, there's a fast way to do it without having to have the Find dialog box popping up each time... and without using the mouse (my favourite!). 
  • Ctrl + F to bring up the Find window
  • Enter your search text
  • Click the Find button (& you will go to the next instance your search text in the doc). 
  • Exit the Find window (click "X" in the top right-hand corner), then the Word "insertion point" will stay with your search text and you can edit like you usually do. 
  • To find the next lot of search text, key Shift + F4
You can F4 as many times as you like and edit the document in between each search. 
NB: Shift + F4 won't work when the Find window is open (pity that). 
In Word 2000 and Word 2002 (Office XP) you have some other options to repeat a find in either direction. After closing the Find window you can click on the up or down blue arrows on the bottom of the vertical scroll bar.

TLAs for SMEs

Here are this newsletter's TLAs for you;
  • BCC, Blind Carbon Copy. Where you have the option to send emails to a mail group that is not disclosed (for privacy reasons, usually)
  • CMY, Cyan Magenta Yellow. Colour set for commercial & laser printing
  • JAA, just another acronym!
Please feel free to email me with any TLAs that you want to get the bottom (meaning!) of.

Short+Hot Keys... and now tips
Another Function key for you - this time it's all you can do in MS programmes with a straight F3
  • Excel "Paste a defined name into a formula" 
  • Outlook "Find" 
  • Publisher "Find" 
  • Windows "Display Find: All Files " 
  • Word "Auto Text" 
Hot Linx
Fed up with the taskbar clock not showing the date? This nifty little freeware program, TClockEx, changes that, and adds more features to it, as well. Find it free at 
Join the search to find ET via the SETI Internet-connected computer Search. Download SETI@home now at: 
If you've got any sort of trouble with an Internet domain, "Whois" is useful for indicating if the domain actually exists, the people or organization behind it and often gives their alternative contact details. Freeware download at 
Looking for cartoons on the net? Then check out The Parking Lot is Full at
Jokes? 4 the latest u have to try or 

                                Catch you again soon!! E-mail your suggestions to me here