
Saturday, 11 October 2014

A Udemy MOOC

I have just been undertaking a Udemy MOOC on creating your own website using Google's Blogger. A member of the LinkedIn Higher Education & Learning group told me a while ago that Udemy ran a great MOOC, but I hadn't as yet got time to investigate; then, when I was searching for how to expand my blogger blog into a website, I found a link to a Udemy course called "How To Create Websites Using Blogger".

I figured it was worth a look.

Wow: I was extremely pleasantly surprised at the ease of navigation. The course structure - backbone - is obviously designed for online learning. Material is presented in digestible chunks, using mostly video.

The course structure walks you through each lecture and shows you your progress through the course beautifully - and you are sent auto-update emails as you pass a certain percentage of completion, which helps keep up your motivation. Narration is chatty, and the instructions are clear.

All in all, Udemy has EASILY the best organised most well laid out education site I have struck in four different organisation's MOOCs. A real pleasure to complete.

And I did complete it, right down to getting the certificate of completion.

If you are considering taking an online course to learn something, I would heartily recommend Udemy, if the rest of their courses are so beautifully laid out and as easy to follow as this one was.


  • Reference: Udemy (n.d.) How to Create Websites Using Blogger. Retreived 11 October 2014 from 

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