
Friday, 25 November 2016

Annoying Adobe Acrobat "Content Preparation Progress" function

I have a "grrr" about an Adobe Acrobat update. At some point in the last few months, I started getting a "Content Preparation Progress" message appearing soon after I opened any Adobe file, which says "Please wait while the document is being prepared for reading. Status: Processing page ___ of ____".

This message interrupts my ability to read whatever it is that I have opened: and I can't disappear the message. I also can't run any other functions in Adobe until the blasted message moves on.

Worse, if I open a book, it can take five minutes for this message to go away. Worse still, sometimes it comes back in the same file.

Apparently, in Adobe Reader, you can go to Edit | Preferences | Reading and, under "Screen Reader Options", you can tick "Only read the currently visible pages". That makes the problem go away.

However, for Adobe Acrobat, there is no "Reading" option under Preferences.

BUT, a couple of wonderful contributors on the Adobe forum pointed me to a solution. They pointed out that disabling the accessibility add-ons for Adobe Acrobat will prevent these messages occuring. You need to look for the plug-ins under C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\*\*\plug_ins

On their advice, I appended three files' extensions to ".apiDISABLE" (see image above). They also advised that updates to Reader or Acrobat may require a re-do for this fix.

But at least the "Content Preparation Progress" messages are now gone :-)

  • Reference: Ilya_Zeldes (13 April 2009). how to stop content preparation. Retrieved 11 August 2016 from

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