I live way out in the country and have very, very poor video speeds. We have lots of pauses to buffer, buffer, buffer, which tends to make videos about three times longer than the maker ever intended.
For me to be able to watch vimeo videos without falling asleep in the LONG, LONG pauses, I need to download them. What I use to do that is GoogleChrome with the extension "Vimeo Video Downloader" installed (go to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vimeo-video-downloader/lieleokakhofondondkehlhghhbadcch?hl=en once you are logged into GoogleChrome).
Once you have the extension installed, simply open the Vimeo video in GoogleChrome. A “Download” button will appear underneath the video title, beside the "+ Follow" button. I can then download and watch the clip in a third of the time that I would have had I tried to watch it streaming.
While there are many, many wonderful benefits of living way out in the country, trying to watch streaming video is definitely not one of them!
Friday 8 June 2018
Watching Vimeo videos... buffering
how to
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