
Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Referencing journal issue months using APA 7th edition

I had an interesting question on APA 7th edition when referencing a journal which had not specified an issue number, but instead has a month. The reference was provided as:
Byrd, H., Ho, A., Sharp, B., & Kumar-Nair, N. (2013). Measuring the solar potential of a city and its implications for energy policy. Energy Policy, 61(October), 944-952.
I looked in my APA manual, but this use of month over issue number was not mentioned. So I went to the blog of APA Style, and asked one of the APA elves, who replied:
If your journal uses the month as its issue number - October in this case - then you should format it like this: 61(10), [u]sing the numerical equivalent of the month provides a clear "number" for your issue (Adams, 1 October 2019).
So the resulting reference reads:
Byrd, H., Ho, A., Sharp, B., & Kumar-Nair, N. (2013). Measuring the solar potential of a city and its implications for energy policy. Energy Policy, 61(10), 944-952.

Easy when we know how.


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