
Friday, 4 August 2023

Adobe Acrobat toolbar has vanished

Like all software, Adobe Acrobat can do some crazy things sometimes. I recently lost my Acrobat toolbar, and could not work out (a) how to get it back, and (b) why it had disappeared in the first place. 

Well, it turns out that there is a toggle control for the menus: F8. F8 once, toolbars up. F8 again, toolbars off. Wax on, wax off (Avildsen, 1984). So I must have clipped the F8 key to lose the toolbar. That is both the problem and the mystery solved!

What is even more interesting is that menus also have a toggle: F9. Works a treat.

And one more gift: there is a tabulated list of these keyboard shortcuts here (Adobe Help, 2022). 

I hope that helps anyone who struggles to work out Adobe products!



Adobe Help. (1 October 1922). Keys for selecting tools.

Avildsen, J. G. (1984). The Karate Kid. Columbia Pictures.

Ocean11.(19 June 2021). Where is the Toolbar gone and how can I get it back?. Adobe Community.

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