- Construction are the micro-narratives that we build about ourselves. Deconstruction is how we seek to "undo a story's uncritical domination over the client's thinking, [while] not destroy[ing] the story" (Savickas, 2015, p. 15)
- Reconstruction is how we pull together "micronarratives about important incidents, recurrent episodes, significant figures, self-defining moments, and life-changing experiences" (Savickas, 2015, p. 16). We cohere our life themes so we and others can make sense of our story, so we can take action
- Co-construction happens through the relationship between the practitioner and client, where through challenge and confirmation, a narrative is created which includes changes to our identity. We can clear false or limiting stories to assist future action
- Action is a type of working in our own future, and of hope: "Through action, not verbal expressions of decidedness, clients engage the world" (Savickas, 2015, p. 17)
For us to manage those actions, to assist us to move through our likely career transitions, we also need 'career adaptability' (Savickas, 2005, after Super, 1992), which consists of four key life design tools: concern; control; curiosity; and confidence (read more here).
Barnes, E. (2019, May 19). Module 1: Career Theories. In Integrating Career Focused Counseling [course]. https://careerfocusedcounselingproject.wordpress.com/2019/05/19/module-1-career-theories/
Luke, C., & Gibbons, M. (2022). Career-focused Counseling: Integrating culture, development and neuroscience (1st ed.). Cognella Academic Publishing.
Savickas, M. L. (2005). The Theory and Practice of Career Construction. In S. D. Brown, R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work (pp. 42-70). John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Savickas, M. L. (2012). Life design: A paradigm for career intervention in the 21st century. Journal of Counseling & Development, 90(1), 13-19.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1556-6676.2012.00002.x
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