
Friday, 7 June 2024

The Aotearoa national career strategy

Many other nations are ahead of New Zealand in having a national career strategy: Europe, the UK, and Australia, for example (Rose & Jarvie, 2021). In response to repeated requests - read 'clamourings' from the career development sector - for a government-led approach to careers, the National Career System Strategy, or NCSS, was created; with work starting in July 2021, adoption in May 2023, and the official launch in August 2023 (New Zealand Ministry of Education, 2023).

The primary goal of the NCSS is to establish a career development system that is fair, equitable, and flexible, which caters to the requirements of the people of Aotearoa. It does this by aligning education and training with industry requirements and promoting individual career growth that “empowers them [individuals] to understand themselves and their aspirations and to navigate career opportunities that fit throughout their lives” (New Zealand Ministry of Education, 2023, para. 2). The NCSS also aims to: enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Aotearoa's careers system; to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to workforce planning; to integrate careers with other government priorities; to take into account structural and economic changes brought about by COVID-19; and to address various challenges and hindrances in the country's education, training, and employment domains (TEC, 2023a, 2023b, 2023c).

The NCSS has been created for an all-encompassing, system-wide approach to careers and individual development (TEC, 2023a). The overriding principles of the NCSS are those of accessibility and inclusiveness; being people-centred and respecting different pathways; being responsive to changes in the world of work; and connectedness across the system. The adoption of what are seven principles (see the illustration accompanying this post) will hopefully mean positive outcomes for all of us who seek career education, information, or guidance (CEIG) to prepare to enter the world of work, who are in work, or who are transitioning out of work (TEC, 2023b).

TEC has carried out a stocktake of current careers resources and has identified a number which specifically support older workers (MSD, 2023) but ensuring these resources remain relevant and accessible is key. Including NCSS strategies to address older worker underutilisation, and increase labour force participation should assist skills shortages and ease employment pressures. However, older workers are not specifically mentioned in the NCSS recommendations, nor given attention in the NCSS Action Plan (TEC, 2023a). As older workers have unique needs and considerations when it comes to career transitions, incorporating targeted support and resources specifically designed for this group could add value to the nation... and increase the workforce.

It will be interesting to see how the NCSS rolls out, particularly with a change of government.

Sam, Aaron & Alison


MSD. (2023, July). Older Workers Employment Action Plan: Monitoring and Implementation Table. Ministry of Social Development.

Rose, S, & Jarvie, P. (2021). The Careers System in New Zealand: The Need for a Strategy [whitepaper]. Employers & Manufacturer's Association [EMA].

TEC. (2023a). Te Rautaki Pūnaha Aramahi ā-Motu | National Careers System Strategy [report]. Tertiary Education Commission.

TEC. (2023b). Te Rautaki Pūnaha Aramahi ā-Motu | National Careers System Strategy [summary]. Tertiary Education Commission.

TEC. (2023c, September 27). National careers system strategy. Tertiary Education Commission.

* Aaron Lock and Alison Frith kindly prepared much of the material for this post

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