As I was scheduling articles on my blog recently, I noticed that I was creeping up to the grand total of 2000 posts. And the day of my two thousandth post is today. Happy second millennium post-day to my blog!
At an average of 750 words per post, that's another three quarters of a million words now in my blog in addition to the first million achieved in 2018 (here). Again, I had not considered that writing my three posts each week would ever reach close to two million words; writing which has been completed largely for sharing learning with others.
This milestone has again caused me to reflect on what I have done in the past, and where this blog is heading. The focus has largely shifted from business to career development; a topic which was once my secondary subject: my side gig. I now also have twenty five years of writing for clients, a marker which was met in December last year.
Again, my client base has changed. Originally I wrote tips for small business owners; then - as a member of the academic community - I wrote tips for business students; now I write largely for career development students and practitioners. I am still solving client problems, but now as a lecturer and researcher.
Interesting how life continues to evolve.
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